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Improving Manufacturing Quality with and Snowflake

Manufacturers are rapidly expanding their machine learning use cases by leveraging the deep integration between Snowflake’s Data Cloud and the H2O AI Cloud. Many current manufacturing quality checks require that sensor data and image data be processed and analyzed separately. Standard tooling presents challenges in storing and referencin...

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The Wildfire Challenge Winners Blog Series - Team HTB

Note : this is a community blog post by Team HTB – one of the Wildfire Challenge winners. You can check out their app here . The Challenge The purpose of the challenge was to develop an AI application to improve the forecast of bushfires and wildfires, with the main aim of reducing the human losses that these phenomena can cause...

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Comprehensive Guide to Image Classification using H2O Hydrogen Torch

In this article, we will learn how to build state-of-the-art models in computer vision and natural language processing within a couple of minutes using H2O Hydrogen Torch. Introduction to H2O Hydrogen Torch H2O Hydrogen Torch (HT) aims to simplify building and deploying deep learning models for a wide range of tasks in computer vision...

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Tackling Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing with AI
by Ryan Chesler, Guanshuo Xu | February 28, 2022 AI4Good , Computer Vision , Deep Learning , H2O AI Cloud , Kaggle , Solutions

According to a report by the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, it is estimated that illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing accounts for 20 percent of the seafood and up to 50 percent in some areas. These activities not only affect the marine ecosystem but, in a way, are linked to climate change on the planet a...

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Introducing H2O Hydrogen Torch: A No-code Deep Learning Framework
by Philipp Singer, Yauhen Babakhin | February 17, 2022 Computer Vision , H2O AI Cloud , H2O Hydrogen Torch , NLP , Product Updates

Over and over again we heard from customers, “deep learning is cool, but it’s hard and time consuming.” They kept asking “could someone just make it easier?” In typical “Maker” fashion, you ask, we deliver, H2O Hydrogen Torch . H2O Hydrogen Torch is a new product that enables data scientists and developers to train and deploy state-of-t...

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