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Revisiting the Miracle of Istanbul
by Team | January 25, 2022 Data Journalism , Sports

IntroductionOn May 25th, 2005, the UEFA Champions League final between AC Milan and Liverpool was held at the Atatürk Olympic Stadium in Istanbul. The match is still considered one of the greatest finals in football history. AC Milan took a 3-0 lead in the first half but Liverpool made a miraculous comeback in the second half to tie the g...

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1st Place Winner's Blog - Kaggle 2021 Data Science and Machine Learning Survey
by Shivam Bansal, KunHao Yeh | January 04, 2022 Data Journalism , Data Science , Kaggle

Kaggle, the largest global community of data scientists, conducted the 5th annual industry-wide survey that presented a truly comprehensive view of the state of data science and machine learning. A total of 25,973 responses were collected from participants from over 60 countries. Kaggle also launched the Data Science Survey Challenge in w...

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AI/ML Projects — Don’t get stymied in the last mile

Data Scientists build AI/ML models from data, and then deploy it to production – in addition to a plethora of tasks around data insights, data cleansing etc., Part of the Data Scientist job description/requirement is making models available for transparency, auditability as well as explainability for both regulators as well as internal bu...

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Building AI/ML models on Lending Club Data, with — Part 1
by Karthik Guruswamy, Vinod Iyengar | March 28, 2019 Beginners , Community , Data Journalism , Data Science , Technical , Tutorials

Lending Club publishes its basic loan databases to the public and a full version to its customers — anonymized of course. You can find the download page from this link (screenshot below): The publicly downloadable loan data has various attributes — roughly 150+ columns that have categorical, numeric, text and date fields. It also has a ‘...

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What Business Leaders Need to Know About AI
by Ingrid Burton | January 11, 2019 Beginners , Community , Data Journalism , Data Science

The interest around artificial intelligence (AI) is at an all-time fevered pitch right now, and it’s important to understand why.AI can solve real business problems and address very complex situations. Organizations and business leaders should start with the idea of how AI can help by identifying a business problem or use case that they c...

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Launching the Academic Program … OR ... What Made My First Four Weeks at so Special!

We just launched the Academic Program at our sold-out H2O World London. With nearly 1000 people in attendance, we received the first online sign-up forms submitted by professors and students alike. This program will massively democratize AI in academia, increasing the number of AI-skilled graduates – with both technical and busine...

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How This AI Tool Breathes New Life Into Data Science

Ask any data scientist in your workplace. Any Data Science Supervised Learning ML/AI project will go through many steps and iterations before it can be put in production. Starting with the question of “Are we solving for a regression or classification problem?” Data Collection & Curation Are there Outliers? What is the Distribu...

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Using Sentiment Analysis to Measure Election Surprise
by Team | December 01, 2016 Data Journalism

Sentiment Analysis is a powerful Natural Language Processing technique that can be used to compute and quantify the emotions associated with a body of text. One of the reasons that Sentiment Analysis is so powerful is because its results are easy to interpret and can give you a big-picture metric for your dataset. One recent event that ...

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Creating a Binary Classifier to Sort Trump vs. Clinton Tweets Using NLP
by Team | October 17, 2016 Community , Data Journalism , Flow , Python

The problem : Can we determine if a tweet came from the Donald Trump Twitter account (@realDonaldTrump) or the Hillary Clinton Twitter account (@HillaryClinton) using text analysis and Natural Language Processing (NLP) alone? The Solution : Yes! We’ll divide this tutorial into three parts, the first on how to gather the necessary data, t...

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When is the Best Time to Look for Apartments on Craigslist?
by Team | October 06, 2016 Data Journalism

A while ago I was looking for an apartment in San Francisco. There are a lot of problems with finding housing in San Francisco, mostly stemming from the fierce competition. I was checking Craigslist every single day. It still took me (and my girlfriend) a few months to find a place — and we had to sublet for three weeks in between. Thankf...

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Distracted Driving
by Team | September 16, 2016 Data Journalism

Last week, we started to examine the 7.2% increase in traffic fatalities from 2014 to 2015, the reversal of a near decade-long downward trend. We then broke out the data by various accident classifications , such as “speeding” or “driving with a positive BAC,” and identified those classifications that had the greatest increase. One label...

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Fatal Traffic Accidents Rise in 2015
by Team | September 07, 2016 Data Journalism

On Tuesday, August 30th, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released their annual dataset of traffic fatalities asking interested parties to use the dataset to identify the causes of an increase of 7.2% in fatalities from 2014 to 2015. As part of ‘s vision of using artificial intelligence for the betterment of soci...

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